December 16, 2022

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In 2022, an idea came to me… Is it possible to turn wine into paint. While up in Woodinville for a Woodinville Art Alliance event, I was told the folks at Alexandria Nicole Winery loved my work. So, being the shy person that I am, I went over to their tasting room and introduced myself. It turns out they had giant walls in need of art. This began an exploration of the idea and a partnership that most artists dream about. 

I used Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah to create two different acrylic washes. This led to the three large pieces that now hang on the stone wall at the WoodinCreek tasting room. Alexandria now owns these three pieces. I find it amazing that one idea leads to another, and that leads to one of my largest commissions to date. 

Over the next year, I will continue to explore the wine wash concept. If you happen to be at a show or in my studio, feel free to ask about this and I’ll show you what I’m up to.

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Current Exhibits

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Ongoing, 2023

My Studio @Base Camp Studios

Belltown, WA


Alexandria Nicole Winery

Woodinville, WA

Audacity Wine Bar

Seattle, WA


BacoVino Cellars

Tukwila, WA

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December 3rd – February, 2023

Zerba Cellars

Woodinville, WA


Jan – March 2023


West Seattle, WA

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Langley, WA

Jan – March, 2023

Caffe Ladro (2+U)
