Cancer Diagnosis, Treatment, and Fundraising
In July 2024, I was diagnosed with nasopharyngeal cancer, specifically squamous cell carcinoma. No one is ever truly prepared for such a diagnosis. It changes everything and forces you to reconsider what you thought was important. The focus must shift to treatment, and so it began with surgery to assess and remove cancerous cells. That phase is complete, and I’m now undergoing a combination of chemotherapy and radiation for the next 7 weeks. The daily radiation is difficult, while the weekly chemotherapy is more tolerable.
The side effects are inevitable. One of the first things to go was my beard, which had been a long-time companion.
My voice is changing as a result of the treatments, and I’ve experienced significant weight fluctuations. I won’t get into the full list of side effects, but I’ll mention fatigue. I never fully understood what fatigue meant until now. Yes, I’ve always known what it feels like to be tired, but the exhaustion from chemo and radiation is different. It’s not just being sleepy; it’s as if my internal engine runs out of steam. Getting up after a nap can feel like an insurmountable task.
The Fundraising
The purpose of this section is to invite you to support me through my cancer journey—not by donating money directly, but by purchasing my artwork. I’ve never been comfortable with the idea of starting a GoFundMe page and asking for donations without offering something in return. That’s just not how I operate.
My preferred way of raising funds to cover treatment-related expenses and daily living costs is by selling my art. This is where you can help. By purchasing a piece, you’re directly supporting me through this challenging time.
The link below will take you to a section of my website where you can view and purchase my work. Please note that shipping costs for orders outside the Seattle area will be additional.